Dear SCI Members
In view of the current social distancing restriction due to Covid-19, this year AGM will be conducted through “ZOOM” on 27 Aug (Fri), 4pm. This year, we have arranged a technical sharing session, as a form of virtual networking before we proceed to the meeting proper. I hope all of you can attend.
Part 1: AGM – Technical Sharing Session- 27 Aug 2021 3.30pm to 5.30pm(Open to all)
2. The technical session aims to share on the topics related to digitalisation, automation and technological transformation for the Built Environment
Note: More details of the session will be send at a later date
Part 2: AGM Meeting – 27 Aug 2021 5.30pm to 6.30pm (SCI BODs and Members Only)
3. Part 2 for the 43rd AGM meeting will discuss on:
a. Confirmation of Minutes of the 42nd AGM
b. Matters Arising from the last AGM(Annex A)
c. President’s Report
d. Honorary Treasurer’s Report
e. Election of Board of Directors 2021/2022
f. Election of 2 (Two) Honorary Auditors 2021/2022
g. Any Other Business
5 . In accordance with Clause 9.3 (f) of the Constitution, members wishing to raise any other matters under AOB are required to give notice in writing to the President at least one week before the AGM, ie Friday, 20 Aug 2021).
6. Please send your returns, nomination form and Reply slip for 43rd AGM attendance to Ms Edina (