The Singapore Concrete Institute’s Precaster Accreditation Scheme was launched on 1st January 2007. The scheme aims to

  • Improve the quality and productivity of precasters serving the construction industry.
  • Provides recognition to precasters who are committed to the quality of the production plant and products.
  • Encourage continual improvement and professionalism as accredited precasters aspire to upgrade to higher categories.

The scheme was developed jointly by SCI and the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) with inputs from the precasters. This scheme is administered by the Singapore Concrete Institute (SCI) as part of the effort to promote greater self-regulation by the industry.

There will be four Categories of Accreditation:

Category PC1A

Precaster that has the financial, manpower management, plant and design capabilities and track record to produce precast concrete element(s) in their respective product group with automation in a factory-controlled environment with a total of contract value of more than or equal to $30 million in for the past 3 years.

Category PC1

Precaster that has the financial, manpower management, plant and design capabilities and track record to produce precast concrete element(s) in their respective product group with a total of contract value of more than or equal to $30 million in for the past 3 years.

Category PC2

Precaster that has the financial, manpower management, plant and design capabilities and track record to produce precast concrete element(s) in their respective product group with a total of contract value of more than or equal to $5 million but less than $30 million in for the past 3 years.

Category PC3

Precaster that has the financial, manpower management, plant and design capabilities and track record to produce precast concrete element(s) in their respective product group with a total of contract value of less than $5 million in for the past 3 years.


The accreditation is based on three main criteria.

  • Management and Facilities
  • Track Record and Production Drawing
  • Quality Control and Production

Benefits of the accreditation include:

  • Recognised accredited Precasters as among the best in the industry, having achieved the required standards in its class of accreditation.
  • Encouraged continual improvement and professionalism as Accredited Precasters aspire to upgrade to higher categories.
  • Improved marketability and competitiveness.

To know more about the Scheme and application procedures, please contact Ms. Edina Koh (Tel: 6552 0674, Email:, Contact Us Here ).

Please download application form PAS_Appln_Form_Rev._31-July-2023.pdf
Please check our terms and condition Precaster Accreditation Scheme T&C 
Please download Precaster Accreditation Scheme Full Desktop Study Checklist from PAS_DeskStudy_Checklist_form_A3_Rev.31-July-2023.pdf
list of accredited firms – Refer table below