Barriers to Progressing Concrete into 21st Century

Professor Ravindra K. Dhir OBE
Emeritus Professor, Concrete Technolgy, University of Dundee
Visiting Professor, Civil Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin
Director, Applying Concrete Knowledge
It can be argued that the way engineers specify, and ready-mix suppliers/building contractors produce concrete, has not greatly changed since the advent of concrete as we know it. This has given rise to some fundamental barriers to modernising of concrete and its fully embracing sustainability, in a well-informed and matured manner. Indeed, if we are not careful, there are some serious risks that can bring concrete into disrepute.
This seminar – that should interest design engineers, building contractors, ready-mix producers, concrete materials suppliers, government departments, regulatory and certifying authorities – will identify and discuss the malpractices that have remained within the concrete construction industry and have compromised the development of concrete as a modern construction material. The changes that are required, and will be responsive to the present needs, even though this may call for extensive research and development work, will also be discussed.
The Half-Day Seminar will consist of three Lectures (See program).
Date: 11th November 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 2.00pm – 6.30pm
Venue: Holiday Inn Singapore Orchard City Centre, Orchid Room, Basement 1, 11 Cavenagh Road, Singapore 229616.
Program :2.00pm, Registration: 2.30pm
Lecture 1: Concrete Specification and Production Procedures: Historical Review
Lecture 2: Barriers to Modernisation of Concrete Practice: Dangers of Standing Still
Coffee Break: 4.00pm
Lecture 3: Designing Concrete for Performance: Benefits and Risks (4.30pm)
Questions and Answers: 6.00pm
End of Session: 6.30pm
Registration & Payment :-
Registration is confirmed upon payment. Cheque should be crossed and made payable to Singapore Concrete Institute’s and mail it together with your completed registration form to Block 342 Ang Mo Kio Ave 1 #03-1563 Singapore 560342. Please register early as seating is limited.
Fees: S$70.00 (for SCI Members) S$85.00 (for Non-Member) (Fee includes course materials and refreshment)
Closing Date: 6 November 2010
Enquiries/Contact (SCI) :
Tel: 6552 0674
Contact: Ms Edina Koh.