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Jointly organized by:
Building and Construction Authority and Singapore Concrete Institute.
Sponsored by WAK Technologies Pte Ltd
This is a two days training course in best practice in control and use of concrete.
More concrete is produced and used than any other construction material. It is therefore an economic necessity for concrete to be reliable and durable. Made from such ordinary materials, the technology of cement and concrete is incongruously complex, possessing an ability to produce completed buildings and structures over a wide range of quality and integrity. This two-day course provides an appreciation of the highest principles of concrete technology and best construction practices that are essential for the achievement of successful concrete projects.
Speaker Profile
Both tutors are corporate members of the Institute of Concrete Technology, having acquired many years depth of experience in materials technology, concrete production, construction management, training and education.
Tony Binns has had a long career specialising in the technology, construction and production of concrete. Many years were spent working in the production and quality control of aggregates and ready-mixed concrete, followed by service in the Training Directorate of the Cement & Concrete Association in the UK, Then as senior scientific engineer for an international construction company. He has been engaged in worldwide projects including offshore oil installations and is now in private practice as a consultant, providing educational and technical support to organisations with concrete orientated interests. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and a Corporate Member of the Institute of Concrete Technology, of which he is Chairman of the Technical and Education Committee.
Jeff Dudden has had a long career specialising in the technology, construction, production and certification of construction materials. Many years were spent working in the production, quality control, technical quality and environmental management of aggregates, ready-mixed concrete, pre cast concrete and asphalts, followed by an international assessment role within a global certification body. He is now in private practice as a consultant, providing educational, management, auditing and technical support to commercial organisations and certification bodies. He is Corporate Member of the Institute of Concrete Technology, of which he undertakes a role of examiner.
Date – 8th & 9th July 2010
Time – 08:30 hr to 17:00 hr
Venue – BCA Academy, 200 Braddell Road, Singapore 579700
Download the brochure Here
Programme Details
Day 1 By Tony Binns
Session 1 Introduction, aims and objective
Session 2
. Properties of Concrete
. What is consistence : why it is important and how it is controlled
. Cohesion : what it tells us about performance, and why it matters
Strength : factors affecting strength
Durability : causes of deterioration and how to design for them
Session 3
. New cementitious materials and where they are used
. Admixtures : technical and economic benefits
Session 4 Types of concrete including strength classes, designated and proprietary concretes
Session 5 Making sure that the concrete in the works is as specified
Session 6 Conformity of concrete, identity testing and action on non-conformity
Session 7 Concrete faults
Day 2 By Jeff Dudden
Session 1 Formwork practice, safety in temporary works, control of surface finish
Session 2 Steel reinforcement, the importance of cover depth and avoiding corrosion
Session 3
. Techniques and equipment for moving concrete on site
. Points to watch when placing concrete in the works
. Compaction over vibration and under vibration
Session 4 Curing concrete materials, techniques and timing to protect
Session 5 Joints in concrete : types of movement joint their location and installation, forming sound
construction / day work joints
Session 6 Concrete faults
Session 7 Repair to concrete and avoiding the need for them
Session 8 Action plans
Seminar on Concrete Technology & Construction Techniques
Registration & Payment:
Registration is confirmed upon payment. Cheque should be crossed and made payable to Singapore Concrete Institute and mail it together with your completed registration form to: Block 342 Ang Mo Kio, Avenue 1 #03-1563 Singapore 560342. Please register early as seating is limited.
Fees : S$ 500.00 (for SCI Member) S$ 550.00 (for Non-member) (Fee includes course materials, lunch and refreshments)
Note: Please note that registration is limited to 16 pax.
Fees paid are not refundable under any circumstances. If you are unable to attend, please inform us in writing at least 3 working days before the event. Otherwise, full payment is still applicable even if you did not turn up for the event. In the case of a non-member replacing a member (within the same company), The non-member will have to pay the fee difference.
SCI reserves the right to make appropriate changes when necessary and every effort will be made to inform participants. In the event of cancellation by the Organisers, full refund will be given to participants.
Enquiries: / Contact : (SCI) : Edina
6552 0674 7 6552 0417
Closing Date : 30th June 2010